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Dr. Lorenz Moser


1973-79 M.D. University of Innsbruck (A),

1981-83 D.D.S. University of Innsbruck,

1983-86 Postgraduate Orthodontic Training University of Innsbruck,

1986 Private Practice of Orthodontics in Bolzano (Italy),

1990 Active member S.I.D.O.,

1997 Diplomate European Board of Orthodontists E.B.O.,

1999 Diplomate Italian Board of Orthodontists I.B.O.,

1999 Active member W.F.O., International Member A.A.O.,

2001 Active member Angle Society of Europe (ASE),

2002/2003 President I.B.O. and Member S.I.D.O. Council,

since 2003 Visiting professor University of Ferrara (Italy),

2004-2006 Secretary of the Angle Society of Europe,

2006-2008 Chairman EBO Examination Committee.
