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We traveled far to be close to each other. We stayed hungry for knowledge and filled our minds with ideas that can change our professional lives and the lives of our patients. We said, “reinforced, we’re back!” and indeed, we are.
This year, we were 710 participants from 45 countries at BSCOSO 2015 – The 2nd Baltic Sea Conference on Orthognathic Surgery and Orthodontics that took place in Riga, Latvia.

The conference took 5 days in total – a full working week! This year, we focused on the treatment of facial deformities in children and adults during more than 40 hours, dedicated to orthodontics and orthognathic surgery science and practice.
An intensive conference agenda was full of activities to both learn and have fun: live surgery broadcasts (SurgiCam & Ask The Pro Sessions), pre-conference courses, main conference sessions, paper presentations (OrthoJam Sessions), poster presentations, medical exhibition, open-air social event, welcome reception with arts lectures and exhibition, as well as the extraordinary gala event…

We encourage everyone to keep up with BSCOSO updates on the website, as well as Facebook and LinkedIn pages to get the latest news about upcoming BSCOSO courses and the 3rd conference.

Join BSCOSO community today to meet the Brilliant Speakers, hear and share Credible Opinions and achieve Successful Outcomes.

What the Speakers say about BSCOSO 2015:

Best moments from BSCOSO 2015 Conference:

Best moments @ BSCOSO 2015
Behind the scenes
Learning @ surgicam
Having fun @ Open air
Learning @ pre-conference courses
Learning @ main program Day 1
Learning @ main program Day 2 and 3
Having fun @ Welcome Reception and OrthoJam
Having fun @ Gala event
The Team