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BSCOSO | Аннотация курса (на английском языке). Occlusion and TMJ – How do they need to work? Deprogramming and Functional Concepts

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Аннотация курса (на английском языке). Occlusion and TMJ – How do they need to work? Deprogramming and Functional Concepts

The function of the TMJ constantly related to the development and growth of the face and maxillary skeletal structures. Understanding how children’s TMJ grows, will help us to apply the same concepts to achieve stable results in adults as well.
Any functional alteration will produce an adaptive response. In the majority of cases a harmful self destructive cycle occurs in the stomatognathic system.
We have to be able to detect and understand the mechanisms of adaptation, knowing how to differentiate the most pathological ones.
Neuromuscular deprogramming prior to orthognathic surgery will be effective in order to carry out the surgical procedure. It will also be important for the surgical planning of each patient.
