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SurgiCam & AskThePro Session

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The 2-Day Surgical Session.

The fact that operating room doors must be closed is only half of the truth. Open doors and visits are the chance for professionals to meet, exchange and move the surgery forward.

SurgiCam is the only extensive open door session when leading orthognathic surgeons from around the world meet in the same operating room. And you are welcome to join them.

While the masters perform surgery live, the audience will observe the process in a separate hall with live broadcasting. The options to ask questions will be facilitated by the moderator while continuous coffee and snack supplies will ensure enough energy for your brain!

SurgiCam features:

    • Surgeries with live broadcasting and bidirectional audio to the audience
    • Working examples straight from the masters in key topics of the day: osteotomy, protraction, TMJ, rhinoplasty
    • Each surgery will be followed by AskThePro Session –
      1-2 hours dedicated for an in-depth discussion about the surgery that has just been performed and directly ask the surgeon about any other details concerning his practice
    • Opportunity to bring your own insights or questions about the puzzling cases

SurgiCam Day 1 (2nd June) | 8:00-18:00

8:00-13:00 Le Fort I osteotomy and bilateral sagittal split osteotomy
Dr. Andrey Senyuk (Russia)
Dr. Girts Salms (Latvia)

13:00-14:00 Break

14.00-16.00 Insertion of zygomatic implants in Class VI atrophic maxilla
Dr. Javier Mareque Bueno  (Spain)

16:00-16:30 Break

16:30-18:00 Fixation of skeletal anchorage screws for maxillary protraction (zygomatic and chin anchorage)
Dr. Carlos Villegas Bateman(Colombia)


SurgiCam Day 2 (3rd June) | 7:45-18:00

7:45-11:30 Open TMJ surgery: disc repositioning and fixation
Prof. Dr. Chi Yang (China)
Prof. ShanYong Zhang (China)

11:30-12:30 Break

12:30 – 14:30 Arthroscopic TMJ surgery: bilateral disc repositioning and fixation
Prof. Dr. Chi Yang (China)
Prof. ShanYong Zhang (China)

14:30-15:30 Break

15:30-17:30 Open TMJ surgery: condylectomy
Prof. Dr. Chi Yang (China)
Prof. ShanYong Zhang (China)

Venue of SurgiCam sessions: 16 Dzirciema Street, Riga, Riga Stradins University. Please view the map HERE.

*The order and titles of surgeries are subject to change

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