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Welcome Reception: Orthognathic Surgery as an Art

BSCOSO Welcome Reception showcases Masterpieces in Orthognathic Surgery. The multitalented surgeons will deliver exclusive lectures about surgery and arts. The unrivalled exhibition will present selected works of the greatest maxillofacial masters of today. Welcome to enter the world of living beauty.

19:15 – 19:45 Opening of the evening and arts exhibition
19:45 – 21:15 Welcome Reception:
Mirco Raffaini: Lecture “Facial surgery: the role of art beyond science”
Florencio Monje: Arts Lecture “Goya Painting and Social Deformities”

Welcome reception is followed by OrthoJam Sessions.

OrthoJam Sessions

OrthoJam Sessions is a special scientific-social networking event that will take place on 5 June (the first day of main conference). Thus, all conference participants will have a chance not to miss it. OrthoJam Sessions are certainly included in the registration package and are free of additional charge.

Rooted within classy Jazz Festivals’ Jam Sessions, OrthoJam is an unconventional approach to combine scientific lectures with inspirational presentations.

Traditional paper presentations this time will be delivered on stage followed by musical breaks. It is a perfect match for learning and having fun: held along with Welcome reception agenda, it will introduce paper presentations, a limited number of exclusive lectures and social networking activities from a surprising perspective.

Live music, lively presentations, easy atmosphere, wine&dine options and fruitful conversations non-stop from early evening till midnight. Positive excitement guaranteed.

In Jazz festivals, Jam sessions follow the main festival performances. Jam sessions are usually exciting since performers are relaxed, free to tell their story in a musical way in a non-formal atmosphere and over rather limited time.

This is what exactly OrthoJam sessions will be like. The stage will be provided for the authors of accepted abstracts to freely communicate their findings and point of view in a lively, relaxed atmosphere. Constructive session format (up to 10 minutes for each presentation, some of them even took the challenge to make it in 3 minutes) will ensure that participants take away the maximum during the limited time. The abstract acceptance/rejection rate this year was high, so the presentations approved for the session are true gems!

While you engage in the scientific part, the OrthoJazz band will liven up the event by musical breaks.

Parallel sessions
Freestyle Papers: From Abstract to Nu. Presentations livened up with jazz music.

Gala event

You will not find this place on a map of Riga – in the early 40’s it was closed from the public and hidden from a curious eye. Secret old time’s military thermoelectric station nowadays is again open and renovated for original social events and experiences.

Presently, DFab is a contemporary art & design space that hosts many arts and social activities. BSCOSO invites you to a social networking event with live music, performance, open bar and entertainment on the evening of 6 June. While you can get all these traditional elements at most conferences, the pleasantly unexpected experience with no-alike atmosphere is no easy to find…

‘Curiouser and curiouser!’ cried Alice (Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Chapter 2).
Just like Alice in Wonderland, follow the white rabbit all the way down the rabbit hole to discover the WonderLab at DFab.

‘What is the use of a book,’ thought Alice, ‘without pictures or conversations?’

What is the use of a conference, we say, without unexpected and unforgettable gala event, full of spectacular moments and conversations? Hence, it is going to be a positively crazy, surprising evening to help leave any tension behind and revive after the learning sessions.

After all, the whole learn & fun experience at BSCOSO is intended to make you feel just like Alice: ‘I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.’