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08:50 Opening remarks
Session 9.
Missing lateral incisors: to open or to close spaces?
Chairs: Dr. Jose Rino Neto (Brazil),
Dr. Fernando Melhem Elias (Brazil)
09:00 The aesthetic zone, space closure after trauma/missing teeth
Dr. Peter Goellner (Switzerland)
09:40 To open or to close spaces for missing upper lateral incisor: is this really the question?
Dr. Ute Schneider-Moser (Italy)
10:20 Successful finishing in orthodontics: what the clinician should know?
Dr. Vittorio Cacciafesta (Italy)
11:00 Panel Discussion | Moderator:
Dr. Octavio Cintra (Brazil)
11:15 Coffee break
Session 10.
Ultimate smile aesthetics
Chairs: Dr. Vittorio Cacciafesta (Italy),
Dr. Peter Goellner (Switzerland)
11:30 The multidisciplinary approach to the facial-smile design
Dr. Octavio Cintra  (Brazil)
12:10 Contemporary treatment of facial asymmetries
Dr. Simonas Grybauskas (Lithuania)
12:40 Panel Discussion | Moderators:
Dr. Ute Schneider-Moser (Italy),
Dr. Albano Flores (Mexico)
12:50 Closing remarks
13:00 End of the Conference

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