CV (на английском языке)
Associate Prof. Shanyong Zhang, male, was born on February 22,1972.
Working in the Ninth People’s Hospital of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Master tutor. He graduated from the department of oral medicine, Shandong medical university in 1995, then studied for the master degree in the Ninth People’s Hospital of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, affiliated to Shanghai Second Medical University in 2001. After graduation in July 2004 he had been under supervising of Prof there. In 2007 he participated in the joint PHD program of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Medical University of Vienna and was an apprentice at Professor Chi Yang and Professor Gerhard Und. Meanwhile, he studied the implantation & Prosthodontics surgery in Vienna stomatological hospital from many internationally-known professors like Professor Watzek, the Chairman of European Implantation Association. In addition, he also visited Baylor University Medical Center to learn from Professor Larry Wolford for a short time, specified in the open operation about TMJ and orthognathic surgery.
Concurrent academic posts: member of the TMD and occlusion specialized commission of China in 2009, youth member of oral and maxillofacial surgery specialized commission of Shanghai, youth member of Basic Science of Stomatology specialized committee of Shanghai, member of IAOMS. Essay Scorer for JDE, IJDR and IBIMA. The Essay Scorer of National Science Foundation and projects of Scientific Committee in Shanghai.
Clinical achievements: Specializes in TMJ surgery and implantation and implantation & Prosthodontics surgery, including the treatment of disc displacement using the arthroscopic surgery; therapy of disc derangement, osteoarthrosis, ankylosis, fracture, dislocation and tumor by arthrosis open operation, especially in implant and Prosthodontics of patients with dentition defect and TMD.
Scientific research: Took in charge of 19 projects including: the surface project of the State Natural Science Fund projects, Shanghai pujiang talent plan (D type: the special talent), Shanghai natural fund, issues of Shanghai municipal health bureau et al. Participated in 8 issues. Published over 60 papers as the first author or Corresponding author, of which 24 papers were included by SCI. Applied for 14 Copyrights and patents, 23 of which were Catalogued by SCI database. Participated in compiling 6 monographs.
Teaching: Held the post of the teaching director in Oral and maxillofacial surgery department since 2008, participated in the application for oral and maxillofacial surgery state-level teaching team and excellent courses. He took charge of 7 teaching issues . As a tutor, he got two students’ innovative experiment projects In medicine college of SJU. Published 7 teaching papers as the first author or communication author, 4 of which were Catalogued by SCI database. Cultivated 9 postgraduates in the recent three years, of whom, Pei Shen was the outstanding one. She published 5 SCI papers and 7 Chinese papers in two years. Besides, she won the school scholarship successively and got the National Scholarship in 2013.
Awards and honors:
1. Awards and honors in scientific research:
2006: Won third prize (2nd) of Shanghai medical science.
2007: Won third prize (2nd) of Chinese medical science.
2010: The foundation and clinical of the temporomandibular joint diseases was awarded the first prize (fourth) for science and technology progress prize in health department of Hebei province and was awarded third prize (fourth) of Hebei provincial department of science and technology progress.
2013: Won the second prize (first) of the colleges and universities of science and technology progress of the Ministry of Education.
2009: Gained the only educational awards (special award) of Shanghai Jiaotong University — Baosteel Educational Award, then followed the Shanghai Meiji Dairies Life Science.
2011: Shanghai Pujiang talent planning and the «new one hundred people plan» of school of medicine in Shanghai Jiaotong University, as well as Oral medicine backbone teacher training program.
2. Awards and honors in teaching:
Oct. 10th, 2009: Won the second prize of «Heraeus’s Ranking» oral medicine education.
Sept. 23th, 2011: Won the Chinese medical association, the Hong Kong institute of tooth outstanding young person award — the honorable mention.
Oct. 8th, 2011: Won the second prize of Shanghai Jiaotong University school of medicine PBL case competition (first).
Jun. 15th, 2013: Won the excellent PBL case of Shanghai Jiaotong University school of oral medicine (2nd).
Sept. 9th, 2013: Won the third prize of «Colgate» oral medical education.
Jun. 15th, 2013: Won the third prize of Shanghai Jiaotong University school of medicine PBL case competition (2nd).
Oct. 21th, 2013: Won the outstanding instructor award of students social practice in medicine college of SJU.
Jan. 26th, 2013: Won the «top ten outstanding class teacher»award of medicine college of SJU.
Main papers
1. Yang C, Zhang SY, Wang XD, Fan XD. Magnetic resonance arthrography applied to the diagnosis of intra-articular adhesions of the temporomandibular joint. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2005, 34 (7): 733-738.
2. Zhang S, Yang C, Zheng J, Wang X, Fan X. Plain film arthrography applied to the diagnosis of intra-articular adhesions of the temporomandibular joint. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2007, 65 (2): 212-217.
3. Zhang SY, Yang C, Zheng JW, Wang Y, Fan XD. Fully endoscopic removal of metallic foreign body from the infratemporal fossa. Asian J oral Maxillofac Surg 2007, 19 (4): 215-217.
4. Zhang S, Liu X, Yang C, Cai X, Chen M, Haddad MS, Yun B, Chen Z. Intra-articular adhesions of the temporomandibular joint: Relation between arthroscopic findings and clinical symptoms. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2009, 17; 10(1): 70-75.
5. Zhang S, Yang C, Chen M, Fan X, Yun B, Peng Y, Yuan D. Magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of intra-articular adhesions of the temporomandibular joint. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2009, 47(5):389-392.
6. Zhang S, Yang C, Chen M, Liu X, Feng Z, Cai X, Wang L. Histological study of adhesions in the upper joint compartment of the temporomandibular joint. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2009, 67(6):1184-1190.
7. Zhang SY, Liu XM, Yang C, Cai XY, Chen MJ, Haddad MS, Yun B, Chen ZZ. New arthroscopic disc repositioning and suturing for internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint. PartⅡ. Magnetic resonance imaging evaluation. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2010, 68(8): 1813-1817.
8. Zhang S, Liu X, Yang X, Yang C, Chen M, Haddad MS, Chen Z. Temporomandibular joint disc repositioning using bone anchors: an immediate post surgical evaluation by magnetic resonance imaging. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2010, 11: 262.
9. Liu XM, Zhang SY, Yang C, Chen MJ, Cai X, Haddad MS, Yun B, Chen ZZ. Correlation between disc displacements and locations of disc perforation in the temporomandibular joint. Dentomaxillofac Radio 2010, 39: 149-156.
10. Zhang S, Liu X, Xu Y, Yang C, Undt G, Chen M, Haddad MS, Yun B. Application of rapid prototyping in the reconstruction of the temporomandibular joint. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2011, 69 (2): 432-438.
11. Zhang S, Huang D, Liu X, Yang C, Undt G, Haddad MS, Chen Z. Arthroscopic treatment for intra-articular adhesions of the temporomandibular joint. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2011, 69 (8): 2120-2127.
12. Zhang S, Yang C, Cai X, Liu X,Huang D,Xie Q, Haddad MS, Chen Z. Prevention and treatment for the rare complications of arthroscopic surgery in the temporomandibular joint. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2011, 69 (11) : e347-e353.
13. Zheng JW, Zhang SY, Yang C, Zhang ZY, Shen GF. Creating an effective PBL case in oral and maxillofacial surgery at a Chinese dental school: a dental education primer. J Dent Educ 2011, 75 (11): 1496-1501.
14. Yang C, Cai XY, Chen MJ, Zhang SY. New arthroscopic disc repositioning and suturing technique for treating an anteriorly displaced disc of the temporomandibular joint: part I-technique introduction. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2012 Sep; 41 (9):1058-63. Epub 2012 Jul 4.
15. Zhang SY, Zheng JW, Yang C, Zhang ZY, Shen GF, Zhang JZ, Xu YJ, Cao X. Case-based Learning in Clinical Courses in a Chinese College of Stomatology. J Dent Educ 2012, 76 (10): 1389-1392
16. Zhang SY, Cao W, Wei KJ, Liu Xm, Xu YJ, Yang C, Undt G, Haddad MS, Chen WT. Expression of VEGF-receptors in rabbit synovium of internal derangement in the temporomandibular joint. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2013, 51 (1): 69-73
17. Yu YH, Wang MH, Zhang S, Fang YM. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Assessment of temporomandibular joint soft tissue injuries of intra-capsular condylar fracture. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2013,51(2):133-137
18. Zheng JW, Zhang S, Yang C, Guo L, Shen GF, Feng XP, Zhang JZ, Zhang ZY. Current postgraduate dental education in china. J Dent Educ 2013, 77(1): 72-78
19. Shen P, Zhang S, Yang C, Liu XM, Wei KuiJie, Wang LiZhen, Wang XiaoYue, Haddad Majd S. Synovial Tissue in Internal Derangement Model of Temporomandibular Joint. Journal of Craniofacial surgery 2013, 24 (3): 748-752
20. Shen P, Zhang S, Yang C, Huang D. The Mandibular Symmetry Evaluation of Total Temporomandibular Joint Replacement on Developing Sheep. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2013 Jun 6. doi:pii: S1010-5182(13)00119-4. 10.1016/j.jcms.2013.04.012.
21. Shen P, Zhang S, Yang C, Huo L. Experimental study of free fat grafts in temporomandibular joint disc anchor. Journal of Craniofacial surgery. 2014 25(1):253-7
22. Zheng JW, Fang B, Zhang S, Yang C, Shen GF, Qiu WL, Zhang ZY. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in China: Past, Present and Future. Open Journal of Stomatology 2013, 3 (8), 354-358.
23. Shen P, Huo L, Zhang S, Yang C. Magnetic Resonance Image Applied to the Diagnosis of Perforation of the Temporomandibular Joint. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2014 Jan 21. pii: S1010-5182(14)00002-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jcms.2014.01.001.
24. Shen P, Zhang S, Yang C. Stability Study of Total TMJ Replacement on Sheep. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery (JCMS-D-13-00385R2).